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Abelisauridae (Abelisaurids)
Translation: Abel's Lizards
The Abelisauridae (ah-bul-uh-SAW-ri-day) is a family of large ceratosaurs
characterized by their fused ankle bones, relatively slim torsos, and long,
slender legs. They also had unusually designed skulls, sometimes bearing
flat horns above the eyes.
Translation: Old Lizards
Aetosaurs (eye-ee-tuh-SAWRZ) were not dinosaurs but a suborder of thecodonts.
These quadrupedal reptiles were heavily armored with bony plates and spikes.
They flourished during the Late Triassic Period. Aetosaurs ranged in size
from 3 feet - 4 feet (0.9 - 1.2 meters). The largest known aetosaur was
Desmatosuchus, 15 feet (4.6 meters) long, and Stagonolepis, 9 feet (2.7)
meters long. Their fossil remains have been found in Scotland, Germany,
and the United States.
Allosauridae (Allosaurids)
Translation: Different Lizards
Allosauridae (al-uh-SAWR-ih-day) is a family of carnosaurs. The allosaurid
family of dinosaurs existed during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous
Periods. Carnivorous and bipedal, allosaurids ranged in size from 20 -
46 feet (6 - 14 meters) long. Their bodies were strong and very heavy.
Their large, narrow skulls were filled with saber-like teeth 2 - 5 inches
(5 - 12 cm) long. Allosaurids resembled tyrannosaurs, but were somewhat
smaller. Acrocanthosaurus, Allosaurus, Chilantaisaurus,and Piatnitzkysaurus.
Allosaurs (AL-uh-sawrz)
See Allosaurids
Alvarezsauria (Alvarezsaurs)
Translation: Alvarez (after historian Don Gregorio Alvarez) Lizard
The Alvarezsauria (al-vuh-rez SAW-ree-uh) is a micro-order of coelurosaurian
theropods. This micro-order division was created to accommodate the specimen
found in Argentina -- Alvarezsaurus, and possibly other relatives as they
are discovered.
Alvarezsauridae (Alvarezsaurids)
Translation: Alvarez (after historian Don Gregorio Alvarez) Lizard
The Alvarezsauridae (al-vuh-rez SAW-ri-day) is a family created to accommodate
the unusual coelurosaurid specimen found in Argentina -- Alvarezsaurus.
The partial skeleton shows the tail to be very long, possibly more than
half the creature's total length. Its vertebrae had unusually shortened
spines, which would have made the back of Alvarezasaurus very smooth, unlike
other theropods.
Anchisauridae (Anchisaurids)
Translation: Near Lizards
Anchisaurids (ang-kee-SAWR-ids) are a family of prosauropods. They lived
during the Triassic Period. The dinosaurs in this family ranged from 8
- 10 feet (2.4 - 3 meters) long. Their bones were light. Characteristically,
they had long necks and tails. We usually think of dinosaurs as either
quadrupedal or bipedal, but members of Anchisauridae could walk on all
fours or just their hind legs. They may have been omnivores, as the structure
of their teeth indicates the ability both to tear meat and grind vegetation.
Translation: Armored Lizards
Ankylosauria (ang-kile-uh-SAWR-ih-ah) is a thyreophoran infraorder of theropods
whose members were quadrupedal, herbivorous armored dinosaurs. Ankylosauria
is divided into two families: Ankylosauridae and Nodosauridae. Ankylosaurs
ranged from 15 - 30 feet (4.6 - 9.1 meters) long, but short, powerful legs
gave their massive bodies a low profile.
Ankylosauridae (Ankylosaurids)
Translation: Armored Lizards
Ankylosauridae (ang-kile-uh-SAWR-ih-day) is one of the two families of
ankylosaurs, the armored dinosaurs. (Nodosauridae is the second family.)
Ranging in size from 15 - 30 feet (4.6 - 9.1 meters) long, these quadrupedal
herbivores had short, powerful legs that gave their massive bodies a low
profile. Ankylosaurids had bony plates over their triangular heads, back,
and tail, small spikes running down their sides, and clubbed tails. The
largest of them tipped the scales at 5 tons (4540 kg).
Amtosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Euoplocephalus, Pinacosaurus, Saichania, Sauroplites,
Shamosaurus, Talarurus, and Tarchia.
Archaeornithoididae (Archaeornithoidids)
Translation: First Bird
Archaeornithoididae (AHR-kee-OR-ni-THOY-dih-day) is a one-member family
of theropods. (falling into the branch of Maniraptora.) Archaeornithoides
is a small, birdlike dinosaur whose bones link it with troödontids
and spinosaurids. It is classed in its own family because it does not fit
exactly in any other.
Archosauria (Archosaurs)
Translation: Ruling Lizards
Archosauria (ar-ko-SAWR-ee-ah) is a subclass of Reptilia that includes
Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Pterosauria, and Thecodontia.
Armor (Bony) Plating
Dinosaurs developed a defensive strategy that is unrivaled in modern animals.
Many species grew body armor that covered the vulnerable parts of their
anatomies: sides, backs, necks, heads, and tails. The stegosaurs, anklyosaurs,
and (to some degree) titanosaurids had bony plating on their backs, tails,
and heads. The bodies of anklyosaurs were covered with rows of bony plating.
The bony plates were hollow underneath, making them thin and lightweight.
Some bony plates formed cones. In contrast, the nodosauridae had thicker
and heavier plates. Stegosaurs had two rows of thin, leaf-shaped, bony
plates running down their backs. Once thought to be armor, these plates
probably regulated the Stegosaurs' body temperature. The plates contained
blood vessels, inappropriate in armor, which would have allowed body heat
to dissipate as wind blew across them. Some titanosaurids had some bony
plating embedded in their backs. Ceratopsians, such as Triceratops, had
frills that swept backwards to protect their necks and horns on their faces.
Atlantosauridae (Atlantosaurids)
Translation: Southern Lizards
Atlantosauridae (at-lan-tuh-SAWR-ih-dae) is a name once used for one of
the two major divisions of sauropods. It has been replaced by the name
Diplodocidae. The Dinosaur Dictionary follows a later classification system
which breaks the saropods into six families.
Translation: Blunt-Toothed Lizards
The Aublysodontinae (oh-BLIS-uh-DON-ti-nay) is a subfamily of tyrannosaurids
that were similar in appearance to Tyrannosaurus, only much smaller. Despite
their size (450 lbs -- 204 kg), Aublysodontidids were big game hunters,
with slim lower jaws and pointed snouts.
Avimimidae (Avimimids)
Translation: Bird Mimic
Avimimidae (ah-vee-MY-mee-day) is a one-member family of Coelurosaurian
theropods. Avimimus, a bird-like dinosaur, is sufficiently different from
other bird-mimics that it was referred to its own family. Avimimus lived
during the Late Cretaceous Period.
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