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Translation: All Eater
Omnivores are animals that eat both meat and plants. The early prosauropods may have been omnivores, as are present-day human beings. See also Carnivore Herbivore.

Opisthopubic Pelvis
Translation: Backward Pubis
Opisthopubic Pelvis is a type of dinosaur pelvic bone. This pelvis is unlike that of either the bird-hipped or the lizard-hipped dinosaurs. It has been found in segnosaurs.

Ornithischia (Ornithischians)
Translation: Bird Hipped
Ornithischia (or-nih-THISS-kee-ah) is one of the two orders of dinosaurs. (The other is Saurischia.) Ornithischians had bird-like pelvises and, in most cases, hoofed toes. Some were bipedal; others were quadrupedal; all were herbivorous. Ornithischia is divided into three suborders: 1: Marginocephalia -- Quadrupedal. and Bipedal. An example is Kentrosaurus. 2: Ornithopoda -- mostly Bipedal. An example is Hypsilophodon. 3: Thyreophora -- mostly Quadrupedal. An example is Stygimoloch.

Ornithomimidae (Ornithomimids)
Translation: Ostrich Imitator
Ornithomimidae (or-nith-o-MY-mih-day) is a family of coelurosaur theropods whose members resembled ostriches in size and shape. These possibly-omnivorous animals had small heads and toothless beaks and, like ostriches, were bipedal. They also had medium-length arms with three-fingered hands. Elaphrosaurus, Gallimimus, Ornithomimus.

Ornithomimosauria (Ornithomimosaurids)
Translation: Ostrich Imitator
Ornithomimosauria (or-nith-o-MY-moh-saw-ree-ah) is a superfamily of Coelurosauria whose members resembled modern ostriches and emus in size and shape. These possibly-omnivorous animals had small heads and toothless beaks and were bipedal. They also had long arms and long, three-fingered hands. The size of their hindlimbs suggests that they were speedy runners. Archaeornithomimus, Garudimimus, Harpymimus.

Ornithopoda (Ornithopods)
Translation: Bird Footed
Ornithopoda (or-nith-uh-PODE-ah) is one of three suborders of Ornithischia. This order of herbivorous dinosaurs lived during the Late Triassic Period through the Late Cretaceous Period. Although bipedal, ornithopods are thought to have walked on all fours when they were grazing. They had three or four toes and four or five fingers. Hypsilophodon, Bactrosaurus, and Camptosaurus.

Oviraptoridae (Oviraptorid)
Translation: Egg Stealers
Oviraptoridae (o-vee-rap-TOR-ih-day) is a family of Late Cretaceous oviraptorosaurs (a superfamily of Maniraptora.) Members were bipedal carnivores who closely resembled birds. They received their name because some specimens were found in nests among eggs, and they were assumed to be egg eaters. Their small size and their dexterous hands seemed to fit them for robbing the nests of unsuspecting larger dinosaurs. It has recently been suggested, however, that the oviraptors found in those nests may have received a "bum rap" -- the nests may have been their own, and like Maiasaura, they were guarding, not poaching, the eggs. Conchoraptor, Ingenia, Oviraptor

Oviraptorinae (Oviraptors)
Translation: Egg Robbers
The Oviraptorinae (oh-vi-rap-TOR-ih-nay) is a subfamily of Oviraptoridae. Members were more lightly built than their relatives, the Ingeniianae, but sometimes bore crested heads. Their skulls were very light and diverse in appearance; particularly in the shape of the snout. One specimen was found bearing a large horn-like crest.

Oviraptorosauria (Oviraptorosaurids)
Translation: Egg Robbers
The Oviraptorosauria (oh-vi-rap-TOR-uh-SAW-ree-ah) is a very unusual branch of theropods. They were small dinosaurs with relatively long necks and three-fingered-hands. They all possessed toothless beaks. Their diet is still in doubt. Their lack of teeth seems to suggest that they were herbivorous, but in view of their sharp talons and other theropod characteristics, it is more likely that they were carnivorous, although some may have been omnivorous.

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