Where To See Dinosaurs
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Museum of Earth Sciences
av Moulay-Chérif
Rabat, Morocco
Highlights: The museum's dinosaur specimens
include fossils of Cetiosaurus and Rebbachisaurus.
National Museum of Niger
Niamey, NIGER
POB 248
Highlights:The museum's prehistoric collection
includes an Ouranosaurus skeleton.
Southern Sahara Desert
Period: Early Cretaceous
Discoveries: Afrovenator, a Torvosauroid, a new
sauropod and nondinosaurian vertebrates. Expedition
led by Paul C. Sereno of the University of Chicago (1994).
Kenya National Museum
Nairobi, KENYA
Lake Malawi
Period: Early Cretaceous
Discoveries: Malawisaurus, a new sauropod, and a new
species of crocodile were discovered in this region.
Expedition led by Louis Jacobs of Southern Methodist
University (1990)
National Museum
Blantyre, MALAWI
Highlights: The museum features several dinosaur
fossils excavated from the dinosaur beds of northern Malawi.
Bernard Price Institute of Paleontology
Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA
University of Witwatersrand
Johannesburg 2001
Highlights: The Institute houses fossil remains of Fabrosaurus,
Lanasaurus, Massospondylus, and Melanorosaurus.
South African Museum
Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA Government Av.
POB 61
Cape Town 8000
(021) 423330
Highlights: Fossil displays of Massospondylus, Melanorosaurus,
Heterodontosaurus, and a specimen believed to be that of Anchisaurus.
National Museum of Zimbabwe
Highlights: The museum's collection of dinosaur specimens includes
Massospondylus, Syntarus, and the early Jurassic Vulcanodon. |
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