Where To See Dinosaurs
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Calgary Zoo and Prehistoric Park
Alberta, CANADA
1300 Zoo Rd. NE
P.O. Box 36, Station "B"
Calgary, Alberta T2M 4R8
Direct Route: Located at the Calgary Zoo
Highlights: The Prehistoric Park at Calgary Zoo has 6.5 acres of
trails along a simulated prehistoric world, complete with about thirty
full-scale realistic dinosaurs placed among the trails. Among the models
featured are a Tyrannosaurus, an Elasmosaurus, and a Brontosaurus.
Canadian Museum of Nature
Ontario, CANADA
Mail: P.O. Box 3443, Station "D"
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6P4
Direct Route: Located at Metcalfe and McLeod Streets, in downtown
Highlights: The dinosaur exhibits contain about a dozen fossil displays,
which include Hadrosaurus, a Triceratops, and a Stenonychosaurus. A short film
explores possible fates of these ancient creatures. Many Ice Age mammals
are also on display.
Department of Geology Museum
Alberta, CANADA
Earth Science Bldg.
Saskatchewan Dr.
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3
Nova Scotia Museum
Nova Scotia, CANADA
1747 Summer Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3A6
Highlights: The fossil collection includes some of Parrsboro discoveries,
which are rare Tritheledont fossils. These are the first specimens of their
kind found in North America.(Book store)
Provincial Museum of Alberta
Alberta, CANADA
12845 102nd Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta, T5N 0M6
Highlights: Dinosaur skeletal displays of Ankylosaurus, Albertosaurus,
Corythosaurus, Lambeosaurus, and Parksosaurus. (Gift shop)
Royal Ontario Museum
Ontario, CANADA
100 Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6
Highlights: Canada's largest museum with many dinosaur exhibits.
The museum's collection includes Albertosaurus, Allosaurus,
Chasmosaurus, Camptosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Kritosaurus,
Lambeosaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Stegosaurus(Gift shop)
Royal Tyrrell Museum Field Station
Alberta CANADA
Dinosaur Provincial Park
P.O. Box 60
Patricia, Alberta TOJ 2KO
Direct Route: 30 miles (48 km) N.E. of Brooks via Hwys. 873 &
544 (Follow signs)
Highlights: The Park contains the world's largest significant Late
Cretaceous fossil beds which have yielded 35 species of dinosaurs,
as well as 265 species of other animals and plants. The Field Station
contains displays, a prep lab, bookstore and park office. Interpretive
bus tours & hikes through the natural preserve led by park staff.
(Tickets required & seating is limited) Avoid disappointment and allow
at least 1 1/2 days for your visit. Electrified campsites, showers & food
services. Motels are in nearby Brooks.
Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
Alberta CANADA
Midland Provincial Park, Hwy. 838
P.O. Box 7500
Drumheller AB TOJ OYO
Toll free in North america 1-888-440-4240
In Alberta only 310-0000 ask for 823-7707
Outside North America (403) 823-7707
FAX (403) 823-7131
Direct Route: Located in Midland Provincial Park, four miles
northwest of Drumheller on Highway 838
Highlights: The extensive list of dinosaurs in the collection include Allosaurus,
Albertosaurus, Camarasaurus, Coelophysis, Hadrosaurus, Maiasaura,
Triceratops, and Tyrannosaurus. Also has full-service cafeteria and hiking trails
(Gift shop)
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